Ripe figs Babits and Grise de Tarascon – Early August 2023

A couple of ripe figs, Babits and Grise de Tarascon 2nd August 2023.

Babits – This fig is long and slender, with dark purple skin. It is a cold-tolerant variety that produces large fruits. The fruits can grow up to 80 grams in size and have dark red flesh. This fig is parthenocarpic, meaning that it does not need a fig wasp for pollination.

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best taste and sweetness, and Brown Turkey being a 5 – I rate this as an 8

Fig - Babits
Fig – Babits
Fig - Babits
Fig – Babits
Fig - Babits
Fig – Babits

Grise de Tarascon – It is a very good juicy and sweet fig. Skin is more often stripped yellow and purple when ripe. This variety has 2 crops of figs per year. The first crop also called the breba crop is produced on the previous year’s shoot growth. With the second crop growing in the leaf axils (where the leaf attaches to the stem) of the current season’s growth.

Years ago it was cultivated in the Argenteuil region of Paris

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best taste and sweetness, and Brown Turkey being a 5 – I rate this as an 7

Grise de Tarascon
Grise de Tarascon
Grise de Tarascon
Grise de Tarascon
Grise de Tarascon
Grise de Tarascon