NT Killerton, Devon – October 2014

National Trust Killerton, Devon is one of their flagship properties. There are some very ancient Sweet Chestnuts (Castenea), producing a bumper crop of nuts this year.

killerton1-2014-10-24 13.49.13One of the Sweet Chestnuts is huge, with some branches being propped up.

killerton3-2014-10-24 14.40.19We were 1 day after the ‘Apple Day’ therefore the remnants of the cider pressings were lying about. also one of the trees was dressed up.

killerton4-2014-10-24 15.40.50Yet again very few trees were labeled. Some had a label saying ‘Old Cider Tree’ others had ‘Modern Cider Tree’ The only varieties names were 3 trees with Egremont Russet.

killerton4-2014-10-24 15.47.21