Another set of 5 Unusual Fruit ripe end of September 2024

Apple (Malus domestica) MERKUR

Origined by crossing Topaz x Rajka in Czech, Registered for legal protection in the EU on November 30, 2010.

They are resistant to scab due to the Vf gene, with a low susceptibility to mildew.

The fruits are medium sized turning bright red when fully ripe and exposed to enough sunshine. They are crisp and juicy with a sweet aromatic taste.

In cool conditions they store until March


Apple (Malus domestica) BLAZE

Produced at Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Urbana, USA in 1939 and introduced in 1958. Fruits are crisp and sweet with an excellent texture. Skin colour is very attractive with reds and oranges, the colours of autumn.


Apple (Malus domestica) POEMA

The translation of this variety is POEM, a modern Lithuania variety protected 14.03.2006 CPVO-TP/I4l2Ftnal.

It is descibed as a summer apple being harvested mid August. But we find it is ready mid September. The fruits are large with a very picturesk appearance, having the looks of being hand painted.

Resistance to scab is determined by Vf gene. Making it ideal for organic production.


Apple (Malus domestica) TOPAZ

Topaz is a dessert apple that was developed in Czech Republic by the Institute of Experimental Botany in the 1990s. Not to be confused with the more modern variety ‘Red Topaz’ which is a sport of Topaz.

It has scab resistance, and is medium to large sized. The skin turns bright red when fully ripe, the flesh being crisp with an excellent sweet/acid ratio. It is a very heavy cropper, in comparison to other varieties.

When in storage under the right conditions it can keep for up to 4 months. The acidity gradually disappears creating a very sweet flavoured apple.


Apple (Malus domestica) ROUGE DURET

This variety was donated to me as ROUGE DURET, but it is hard to find details as it is a bit of a rareity. But it is thought to be a sweet cider apple from the Pays d’Auge area of Normandy, France.

It is medium sized with an attractive golden coloured skin with slight russetting. The flesh having a very slight red tinge. We find it to be quite a nice eating apple.

apple rouge duret
apple rouge duret
apple rouge duret
apple rouge duret
apple rouge duret
apple rouge duret