Propagation of woody plants from prepared leaf cutings

leaf propagate

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19. A method for vegetative propagation of woody plants from prepared leaf cutings, wherein the woody plants correspond to individuals from Atlas (Prunus persica x Prunus dulcis x Prunus blireiana), wherein in that the method comprises the following steps:
a) providing cuts of leaf cuttings from a donor Atlas tree, where the cuts are prepared by maintaining a stem section between 0.5 and 3 om above and below the bud,
b) immersing the prepared leaf cutting into an aqueous solution containing growth regulators, selected from the group containing BAP, IBA+BAP or IBA+ZEA in a concentration range of up to 10 mgL−1 of each growth regulator, either simply added or mixed, where the immersion in the aqueous solution occurs tor 10 minutes,
c) planting the prepared leaf cutting into a solid substrate of organic and/or inorganic origin, wherein the substrate is selected from the group consisting of peat, sand, applied independently or in mixtures of one or more substrates at different ratios,
d) inducing sprouting and rooting of the prepared leaf cutting, by means of controlled ambient temperature, humidity and illumination, where the temperature varies in minimum and maximum ranges firom 4 to 40° C., ambient humidity of 65-85% and brightness between 0 to 930 molm2s−1, wherein steps a) through d) always occur outside an in vitro environment.
20. A method for vegetative propagation of woody plants from prepared leaf cuttings, wherein the woody plants correspond to individuals from blueberries (Vaccinum corymbosum), Vitis vinifera, Arisotelia chilensis, Quillaja saponaria or Quercus ilex, wherein in that the method comprises the following steps:
a) providing cuts of leaf citttings from a donor tree of the species blueberry (Vaccinum corymbosum), Vitis vinifera, Aristotelia chiilensis, Quillaja saponaria or Quercus ilex, where the cuts are prepared maintaining a stem section of up to 3 cm above and below the bud, b) immersing the prepared leaf cutting into a composition comprising at least one growth regulator, wherein growth regulator is selected from IBA, IBA+ZEA; IBA+BAP; or IBA+TDZ for 10 minutes at a concentration equal to or less than 10 mgL−1 of each.
c) planting the prepared leaf cutting into a previously sterilized sand substrate or into a substrate mixture composed of previously sterilirfed sand and peat
d) inducing sprouting and rooting of the prepared leaf cutting, by means of controlled ambient temperature, humidity and illumination, where the temperature varies in minimum and niaxinium rariges from 21 to 29° C., ambient humidity of 65-85%, and the maximum brightness is 930 μmolm2s−1,
wherein steps a) through d) always occur outside an in vitro environment.